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Woot.com Holiday Shipping Promise

Woot.com Holiday Shipping Promise


I was tasked with creating both textual and visual indicators for Woot’s holiday shipping promise, a feature rolled out during the holidays to help users know which products would be delivered by Christmas. This task was further complicated by the feature’s failure the previous year, meaning my design had to not only pull its own weight, but also makeup a deficit of consumer goodwill by being clear and accurate.


I began by using a rough placeholder image to mark out where I wanted to indicate a shipping promise. This image was eventually replaced with these three badges.

Badge placement across the site.

Desktop red-lines.

Mobile red-lines.


Working with the dev and product fulfillment teams, my designs was implemented for holiday shopping. According to Woot’s metrics and posts on the company’s forum customers responded positively to the new promise badges. My work with the product teams had also paid off, as our more strict standards for items labeled as “promised” helped ensure that there were far fewer missed orders.

Project Details:

  • Company: Woot.com

  • Year(s): 2014-2015

  • Team Size: 1

  • My Role: UX Designer

  • My Contributions: Design direction, mock-ups, prototyping, red-lining

  • Project Goal: Create a visual badge system that would inform customers which items would be delivered by Christmas.